SHERRI MIGNONNE's Latest Winter collection is offering visitors and collectors a chance to experience her at her supreme best.
- her show-stopping Masterwork "Roaring Fork Valley" 36x60 times 3 panels, her largest work ever
- Her expression of Aspens in Primary color
- and a stunning continuation of her "STARRY NIGHT" Series 36x48
Her use of metallic colors makes her work completely transform in the light... See Sherri’s very latest Masterwork, like walking through your very own Magical Aspen Grove

According to History Lists, Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” is one of the top 20 most famous artworks in the world. Vincent Van Gogh Gallery states that Starry Night stands out for two main reasons…It was painted while he was living in Saint-Remy asylum, which Vincent admitted himself to after cutting part of his left ear off. The other reason being because the work was done by pure memory from inside instead of his usual preference of being outdoors.
SHERRI’s imagination truly has no limit… Which is one of many reasons SHERRI is our signature Aspen artist. She is known for her incredible playfulness and bending of rules… leaving what color Aspen leaves should be up to your imagination.
Displayed below is your closer look @ SHERRI’s depiction
“Allure” 36x48

Allure 36x48