Tyler Sean - Airing out extreme levels of value
Where do extreme explosions of value in our counter culture come from? When does Art slide from being a pretty idea to a global commodity? Tyler Sean is renowned for having his finger on the pulse. Somehow paradoxically questioning this value but at the same time celebrating it with a sense of awe.
Tyler Sean has continually explored the origins of extreme value and the relationship between Money and Art… Questioning what the difference between art and a commodity. For example exploring…..
the Juxtaposition of concrete with objects of High Value
Direct comparisons of Money and Art
Most recently Tyler has advanced his Artistic technique to create a more elegant and simplified Aesthetic. It’s clearly elevated his message and brings a fresh maturity to the expressions. “Catching Capitalism” with both hands
Today we take a much closer look at his new series, exploring the Off-white Nike Air Jordan phenomena
“I want to make my own shoe. I want to use leather on the shoe. I want to save the animals. I probably shouldn’t use leather”