‘Hope of Glory’ 72x60 new masterwork by ISABELLA GARAFFA
“Hope in Glory” 72x60 in. There. are things that take a long time and only when they come. to its end you understand why they toke so long. When i first started. this piece, i felt so inspired. The moment. was so fresh in my head that i could not wait to start! Then. there were so many interruptions. One of them. was creating/building/organizing of my new studio. When i got back into it, i felt a little lost into what direction i was going. I had many frustrating moments. But later the inspiration came back to me….just like in life, it is in these moments that you feel stuck that we need to stop fighting it and come to the lord, trusting he will guide us to a better place. Better than what we could have accomplished on our own. So this is it
First Stages
Back drop done
Marking out the foreground
Light and shade on the Aspens
With a new place to create, I’m getting new inspiration to explore techniques that i haven’t done before.
Blue is the color of the season
Hope of Glory 72x60
This painting has my heart all over!!
COMING SOON 60x72……of the Grand Mesa