Press Release: ART-ASPEN 2019- Aspen's home grown Gallery joins the world!
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The Aspen Art Gallery is very pleased to announce its participation in Art Aspen 2019 at booth B16, to be held at the Aspen Ice Garden in downtown Aspen, CO from July 25 - 28, 2019. The gallery is presently gathering Artworks globally for an unprecedented show including new works by Marco Grassi, Michel Mirabal, and Todd Gray. Exhibiting paintings, sculpture, sculptural paintings and hand painted sculpture. 25th to the 28th of July. The fair begins with a VIP preview held on Thursday July 25th from 5 - 9PM then opens Friday and Saturday 12-7PM and 12-5PM Sunday 28th.
In Macro Grassi’s work is often an instant connection, a familiarity and time stops. Every imaginable thought or feeling can be transmitted through the most intimate portal between the genius of the the Artist and the stranger. A reflection as well as an image, presenting an unique opportunity for appreciation to turn into an electric current that releases repressions. As human beings, we can experience a myriad of emotions in a given day...a minute...or even in a single second. We might feel the comforting warmth of the sun while also bearing the sadness of a broken heart…The happiness of a new child and the anxiety of the added stress... Just by looking at us, it’s impossible to tell what’s really going on which is what makes us so incredibly beautiful. Marco’s perfectly captures our amazing complexity and the many colors of our emotions.
We are very Proud to be the First Gallery in the America’s to represent Marco Grassi, originally from Milan, Italy.
Find out much more about MARCO GRASSI Here
Michel Mirabal’s work and message is internationally applauded for it's ability to express both the beautiful and harsh sides of our global reality. Its resilience resonates all over the world. This Flag series is a colorful and stunning representation of national flags and Michel’s infatuation with the USA from a Cuban perspective. They are painted on wooden boards, either blackened with charcoal or covered with newspaper. A closer look at those pieces opens the path to deep and meaningful interpretations. Why Rice, Barbed wire, keys, or bullet shells? From the darkest of tragedy can come the most stunning expressions of light. Michel is continual seeking symbols that overcome barriers. To freedoms, differences of religion, political systems and physical barriers. He reminds us how the glue of humanity is much stronger…how we are all connected. He knows how to break it down to the most simple ingredients. Things that every one, from all walks of life, will understand and identify with. Simplicity and unity are everything for him...A man of the people, a creative genius motivated by empathy, kindness and love.
We are proud to have initiated the creation of this collection by flying Michel from Havana, Cuba to Aspen. He created his very first collection on US soil and gratefully gave back to the Aspen community by using our two local newspapers and utilizing local keys from the late, great Wayne Payne (Alpine Locksmith).
Find out much more about MICHEL MIRABAL Here
Todd Gray…One word. FUN Todd has been a contemporary pop fine artist for over 30 years. Todd was born in 1962 - around the same time pop art began to flourish under names like Warhol and Lichtenstein. His work samples what others have sampled in the past, but he adds a twist of his very own creative genius to the mix; geometric blocks. Todd describes his medium as having a direct connection to the toy blocks that he played with as a child. This is what makes Todd such an amazing artist and person. Him and his work are overflowing with that same bright and bold childhood energy that we all had when we are young. Luckily for us, Todd still knows how to channel his. In 2018 he was hired to bring his positive energy and bold style to the World Trade Center where the 9-11 attacks took place. His mural has been rejuvenating the disaster stricken area and took eighteen days to complete.
We are proud to help brighten up the world with Todd Gray and have a very unique creation made just for Aspen and the Fair this year.
Find out much more about TODD GRAY Here
To get your Tickets to Art-Aspen 2019 Go here
Aspen Art Gallery is located at 228 S.Mill Street, Aspen,81611. Telephone: 212-209-1572. Website: Contact: For more information or further inquires please contact Ben at or by phone at 970-376-0147.