All art is inspired by something or someone…
In TYLER SEAN’s case, the inspiration often comes from a mix of pop culture and famous contemporary art…
Take one of his latest pieces for example…”The fragile evolution of a koon's dog”
The word, “koon” very likely references the famous contemporary artist, Jeff Koons…who is famous for his Balloon Dog pieces (shown in the two outside pictures below). In the middle is a zoomed-in shot of TYLER SEAN’s piece.
See the resemblance?
But wait…There’s more!
The polka-dot pattern in the background of TYLER’s piece is very likely inspired by Damien Hirst, a famous contemporary artist who dominated the UK art scene in the 90’s. (Hirst works are shown in the first and third images below.)
TYLER SEAN not only captures some of contemporary art’s most famous works in this piece… but also manages to make it entirely original with his very own innovative style…
‘the fragile evolution of a koons dog’ 45x45
TYLER’s message and technique are what makes him an art sensation…