Aspen Helped Define "Michel Mirabal"
Today we take a look back and answer the most Common question?
The origins of MICHEL MIRABALS Rise is truly remarkable and makes him one of the most important artists we have ever encountered. So proud to see one of his Artwork’s Nominated and used on the cover of a Grammy Nominated Album Michel Mirabal works with such Clarity of pure purpose.
His use of Materials are world renowned and unlike anything you have ever seen
Aspen Luxury Life features Michel Mirabal and the Aspen Art Gallery in the Winter 2017 issue:
The Article sums up the "meteoric" rise of Michel Mirabal as a "Super Star" and the "face of Cuba". The Aspen Art Gallery continues to attract the World's best Artists... Keeping Aspen on the cutting edge of the Art world!
CLICK HERE to Read this Magizine Article all about MICHEL MIRBAL..'Tough love' (84x96)

CLICK HERE to Watch this Exclusive interview with MICHEL MIRABAL on Aspen 82..
CLICK HERE to read (Full Article) MICHEL's show interview with the one and only Andrew Travers for the Aspen Times
CLICK HERE to find out about the Largest Masterwork he ever completed on Us Soil...'Tough love' (84x96)