Our signature Aspen Artist, Sherri Mignonne, who is globally recognized for defining the very essence of Aspen, even all the elements of Colorado in one artwork. Its clear her imagination has no limits. Her ‘One of a kind’ creations take 100s of hours to create and much more time to dry. Some of them are snapped up very quickly…

Sherri’s uniquely innovative process embracing the use of copper, gold and silver leaf with Oils is appreciated all over the world, including as continuation of her Series “Looking Up” that offers such a laid back sense of strength and growth. PLUS her Larger scale works (36x60 times 3) which are on such a dramatic scale, its like walking in a fantastical, magical forest.

Her use of metallic colors makes her work completely transform in the light... See Sherri’s very latest Masterwork, like walking through your very own Magical Aspen Grove


SHERRI MIGNONNE's Latest Winter collection is offering visitors and collectors a chance to experience her at her supreme best.