INTRODUCING...the Arrival of "The Silver Experience 250/54" 82x61
In Macro Grassi’s work is often an instant connection, a familiarity and time stops. After progressing his career for many decades and finding great solace in exploring the “Gold Experience” since early 2014….
Every imaginable thought or feeling can be transmitted through the most intimate portal between the genius of the the Artist and the stranger. A reflection as well as an image, presenting a unique opportunity for appreciation to turn into an electric current that releases repressions. As human beings, we can experience a myriad of emotions in a given day...a minute...or even in a single second. We might feel the comforting warmth of the sun while also bearing the sadness of a broken heart…The happiness of a new child and the anxiety of the added stress... Just by looking at us, it’s impossible to tell what’s really going on which is what makes us so incredibly beautiful. Marco’s perfectly captures our amazing complexity and the many colors of our emotions.
Let's take a close look
Just by looking at us, it’s impossible to tell what’s really going on…which is what makes us so incredibly beautiful...
MARCO GRASSI’s perfectly captures our amazing complexity...and the many colors of our emotions...and now he’s back in the gallery with more color and pop than ever before! When you explore the progression of MARO’s works, the origin of the “gold Experience” is astounding. Marco has been hard at work. Each artwork could be many works in one, becoming infinite with light variation. The ambiguity gives his creations a timeless quality that are best enjoyed in-person
So, tell us….What do you see?
The colors of temptation
MARCO's personal Favorite....NEON PINK
Warm Purple's
Oozing Yellows
Balancing it all with soothing Blues
The silver leaf is High reflective, expressing itself uniquely upon every moment.
Because of growing demand For much of 2022 we had sold out of MARCO's work and we suspect that will be the case again in 2023.His continuing progression continues to astound collectors and admirers alike. He embraces the power ambiguity, allowing one image to capture every moment. The most recent Kameo Series continues to blossom. in 2021 we received our very first from the Di-silver series In 2022 we displayed the Largest Kameo Ever - 73 inches across.
There is so much to say about Marco and why people love his Art.
Looking at his progressionthrough the past two decades is fascinating. The mysterious expression of the women portrayed catches the attention of our collectors like no other. If you've been in front of one of his Artworks, i'm sure this photo presentation will transport you back to the experience. If you haven't, we look forward to sharing the work with you in-person very soon..
One Artwork or Many???...Completey changes in Changing light